- What is leadership and educational leadership, in particular?
Leadership is moving a group of people in a particular direction. Educational leadership is leadership in a school setting. There are many different leadership styles, some more effective than others, depending on the context and individuals you are leading.
- What is the purpose of educational leadership?
The purpose of educational leadership is to support the school community and stakeholders in living and breathing the mission and vision statement of teh school. This includes visionary leadership, strategic planning, professional growth of staff, school growth, meeting individual student needs and developing a cohesive community.
- Where do we gain our knowledge and ideas about both educational leadership and leadership in general?
The best and worst examples of educational leadership is gained through experience. Through various roles, I have encountered leaders that inspire me or frustrate me with their decision making. I admire leadership in many different arenas especially in the school setting with teachers, students and administrators. Through this masters, I hope I gain more theoretical knowledge about leadership that will help me develop my own leadership skills.
- List some big questions that you have about educational leadership that you would like to examine in this subject.
- What do I need to develop personally to move into more senior education leadership roles?
- How might I enhance my current leadership abilities?
- How might leaders change their leadership styles in given situations?
- How might educational leadership differ for females?